Fun with words: 100 ways to say “good”

  ɡo͝od/ adjective adjective: good; comparative adjective: better; superlative adjective: best 1. to be desired or approved of. “we live at peace with each other, which is good” synonyms: healthy, fine, sound, tip-top, hale and hearty, fit, robust, sturdy, strong,vigorous More antonyms: poor, ill pleasing and welcome. “she was pleased to hear good news about him” expressing approval. “the play had good reviews” 2. having the qualities… Read More

Descrição competência linguística em inglês por nível

A BIRD GEI | Consultoria e Gestão de Idiomas segue a escala do padrão do Conselho Europeu para idiomas, adaptado para o mercado brasileiro. Desenvolvido através de um processo de pesquisa científica, o “Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment” proporciona uma ferramenta prática para descrever os níveis de proficiência linguística exigidos pelos padrões existentes,… Read More

Language of the New Generation: Human Resources Acronyms

It is clear that the youngest generation entering the workforce has different communication experiences, and companies are beginning to see the results incorporated into work-related communication methods. The newest generation, also known as (AKA) millenials, has always had access to a cellular phone, an internet connection, and digital music using an MP3 player. Text messaging… Read More